How to Be a Good Husband

Kevin Hanes Feb 02, 2023
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Husband and wife embracing

The Role of a Good Husband in a Marriage

Marriage is a sacred bond between two people that requires commitment and dedication from both parties. Husbands have an important role to play in their marriage, as they are responsible for providing emotional, financial, and physical support to their partners. They must also take on the responsibility of being a good listener, confidant, and friend to their spouse. These responsibilities come with great rewards – a healthy marriage filled with love, respect, and trust.

As I have mentioned before, loving your children’s mother is one of the most important things you can do for them. Children do best when raised by a loving father and mother. Of course, there are exceptions but generally, that is the best situation for kids to be in. Make sure you find a good partner, that you share similar values, and have a solid foundation. I am so grateful for my wife of 8 years and counting, and I couldn’t imagine being a father and raising our children without her by my side.

I am constantly learning how to be a better husband to my wife and while I certainly have my failures I am doing my best to continually improve. Below are some ideas that you can implement to improve your relationships.

Make Time for Your Wife and Show Appreciation

While most fathers are at work. Moms are at home taking care of the kids, keeping the house in order, cooking meals, picking up, and in general doing a hundred different things at once. I’m not saying that either role is more important than the other, just like neither the father nor the mother is more important. Both are difficult in their own right. It is important to show appreciation for the little things your wife does for you. It may not seem like much to you at the time but even the smallest kindness deserves to be appreciated.

Along with showing appreciation I advise that you put aside time to spend with your wife, just the two of you, with no kids around. If you can swing it, go on a date at least once a week. If you want to have a long, and happy marriage continue to date and have fun! You won’t regret it.

Husband and wife dancing in woods

Don’t Be Afraid to Give Each Other Some Space

While making time for your spouse is important, it is also important to give each other space. Just because you’re married doesn’t mean that you have to, nor should you spend 100% of your time together. It’s healthy to have time and hobbies away from your spouse. Most spouses won’t share all the same interests and that’s ok. Find some things that you can do together and continue to grow your passions.

Watch the kids so your wife can go out and have a girl’s night out. She should do the same for you so you can go and spend time with your friends. Having your own interests will make you a more well-round person and will keep things exciting.

Foster Open Communication

Communicating with your spouse is another way to be a good husband and create a healthy relationship with your wife. Most women find it easy to talk, while men tend to close up when a difficult conversation is at hand. Don’t shy away from those difficult talks. It can be hard during the discussion. However, if done with respect and kindness, it will help grow the bond you share. 

This is something that my wife and I are constantly trying to get better at. It’s a work in progress, just like marriage but we are learning.

Talking over coffee

Show Respect at all Times

Showing respect for your wife; especially in front of your children is vital to them learning how to respect others. Imagine, if your father didn’t respect your mother. How would that distort your view on how women should be treated? Of course, this is a two-way street, and respect from both sides is needed for a marriage to be successful. You may not, and likely will not agree with your spouse on everything. Regardless, be respectful, and don’t shame your wife for not agreeing with you or thinking as you do.

Offer Support & Encouragement

Being a good husband requires offering support and encouragement to your wife. A strong relationship is built on mutual trust, respect, and support. By offering words of encouragement and being a shoulder to lean on, you can help your wife navigate life's challenges and strengthen the bond you share. To be a good husband, make sure to listen to your partner's concerns and offer help when needed and wanted (It’s not about the nail). Whether it's offering a supportive ear or helping with practical tasks, small acts of kindness can go a long way in maintaining a healthy relationship.

In addition to offering support, being a good husband also means encouraging your wife to grow and pursue their passions. By supporting your partner's goals and ambitions, you show that you believe in them and value their aspirations. This kind of support and encouragement can boost your partner's confidence and help them achieve their dreams. So, if you want to be a good husband, don't be afraid to be your spouse's biggest cheerleader and help them succeed in life. Marriage is a partnership so support each other!

Be understanding and forgiving

Lastly, be forgiving. Marriage is not always easy, and conflicts are bound to arise. It’s important to approach these conflicts with understanding and forgiveness. Listen to your spouse's perspective and try to see things from their point of view. Be willing to apologize and forgive, and work together to resolve conflicts and find a solution that works for both of you.

From my personal experience, being a husband and a father is the most rewarding thing. It isn’t worth the heartache to hold grudges against your spouse. Instead of thinking about yourself think about your wife and your marriage. If you look for reasons to be successful and you both have the same vision, then you will make it and it will be worth it.

I'm sorry in scrabble tiles

I hope you found some value while reading this article. As always, if you have any suggestions for this or any other topic around being a father let me know! Stay dauntless daddies!