Welcome to Dauntless Daddy!

Kevin Hanes Jan 26, 2023
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Welcome to Dauntless Daddy!

This is my first article on the website and I am excited to get the ball rolling! First, why did I create a website about fatherhood? I had wanted to be a dad for an extremely long time. I can even remember in high school thinking about becoming a father and what an experience it would be. It is very important to me and unfortunately, something that I think many fathers go into unprepared, and while you can’t fully prepare to become a dad, it doesn’t hurt to try! Becoming and being a dauntless daddy is a journey. My goal is to make the trip a little easier.

What is a dauntless daddy?

A dauntless daddy is a term used to describe a father who is brave, determined, and resilient in the face of any problem. A dauntless daddy is willing to take risks, make sacrifices and go the extra mile to provide for his family and ensure their safety. He puts his family's needs before his own and will do whatever it takes to protect them. A dauntless daddy has an unwavering commitment to doing what is needed for his family, no matter how hard it may be.

What are the core pillars that support a dauntless daddy?

As I ponder my journey as a father I have been thinking about what are the most foundational principles of being a dad. There are many skills, habits, and characteristics that can help a father be successful and become dauntless. I know that things will evolve as my kids get older and I continue to hone my abilities as a father but I believe there are a few keys that can make a huge difference in your life as a dad.

1. Health: Being in good health makes such a huge difference in your overall well-being. After all, how can you take care of your family if you’re falling apart at the seams, constantly feeling tired, sick, and in a bad mood? This is something that most of us can work on so do it. Your body and your kids will thank you as you play with them with renewed energy and vigor.

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2. Wealth: Now, this one may seem a little strange but hear me out. I’m not saying that you have to make truckloads of money to be a good father. However, if you can become financially free you can bring so many blessings to the life of your family. Primarily, by giving you more time freedom to spend with your loved ones. Not only that but allowing you to pay for emergencies when they happen and not go into huge amounts of debt to stay afloat. 

Wealth growing over time

3. Relationships: How you love your kids, how you interact with them, and how you love their mom all play huge factors in how successful you are as a father. Love your kids enough to discipline them when needed and shower them with praise as they grow and learn new things. I wholeheartedly believe that how you treat your wife will greatly affect how your sons will treat the women in their life, as well as how your daughters will expect to be treated by men. Both are critical to their developing healthy relationships in the future.

Family sitting in forest

Health, wealth, and relationships create a solid foundation for us to work on. Then from there, there is a myriad of skills, tips and tricks, and technology that we can use to become dauntless daddies. 

Where do we go from here?

That is a great question. First, I want to thank you for making it this far on this article. Over time I will continue to add more content. If you have any questions for me or something you want me to discuss please let me know. I would also love to hear about any tips, tricks, and ideas that you have. Hit the “Become Dauntless” button to subscribe so you can be notified of new content when we do start notifications.

After subscribing pick one of the pillars you want to improve on and get to work. More content to come soon!